This is a collection of 109 time-lapse videos (some not captured) of the B3D sculpting process in Sculptjanuary 2017-2020, and in addition to serving as personal notes for documenting dynamic techniques, it's also shared to demonstrate how the tool module can be used more extensively for the group's reference. Although each film is recorded 1:1, there is a lot of junk action and mishandling in it, and without editing and adding explanations, it is boring to watch. These are videos that even I wouldn't watch unless I forgot where the feature was again, or forgot what the order of production was. Of course, unless someone wants to see them, editing them is a huge undertaking of little significance.
Concentrate on Blender 2.8 sculptures through this year's Sculptuary 2020 31 Days 31 Topics campaign. My approach with Blender 2.82 and 2.83a is pretty much the same as with version 2.79, except with the addition of handy tooling modules to the sculpt, getting the experience of playing a game-like live environment on eevee is the best.
藉著今年《Sculptjanuary2020》31天31個題目的活動,專心的研究Blender2.8的雕塑。我使用Blender 2.82與 2.83a的作法與使用2.79版本的製程幾乎是一樣的,除了在雕塑上增加了方便的工具模組外,在eevee上得到玩遊戲般即時環境的體驗是最棒的。
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藉由Blender繪製草圖,3D建模,3D列印,矽膠翻模,FRP成品 |
Likewise, the hardest part of January 2017-2020 is trying to figure out what you want to draw by daily theme, and brainstorming states are still a common occurrence. Of course, after you figure it out, you just leave it to Blender to work it out from the beginning to the end of the sketch.
Apart from the time consuming process of turning a few gigabytes of video into a time-lapse video, and the fact that Sculptjanuary is a sculpture-based activity, most of the works here are in the prototype, half-finished stage, except for a few works where they have collaborated with Stan, Kai, Dave, and others at A+A Space on various 3D printing, silicone flipping, and other process studies (you can find them on the category label), other works will have the opportunity to finish them later.
Here, put the timed video first, and add the rest of the description, process, or finished project content later.
--Sculpt109 Seek first to have, then to be good.
除了將幾GB的側錄影片製作成縮時影片很耗時間外,也因為《Sculptjanuary》是以雕塑為主的活動,所以這裡大多數的作品都停留在概念雛形、半成品的階段,這期間除了極少數作品與A+A space的Stan、小凱、Dave及大夥進行了各式各樣的3D列印、矽膠翻模等等的合作與製程研究外(在分類標籤上可以找到它們),其他的作品待後續有機會再去完成它們。
About the Sculpt109 shortened video:
About the Sculpt109 shortened video:
Asking me about my skills in the Sculptjanuary sculpting process via private message is not a no-no, but I'm not good at solving other people's problems through textual explanations, and that's not how I'm used to interacting; because that's not how a skill or a problem can be illustratively solved. But if you really want to reply to a situation where you're talking to a chicken, you have to spend a lot of time trying to understand what the problem is before you know how to give an answer - it's difficult to text a question from a distance.
Following the renovation of A+A space from February 1 to March 15, 2020, it was not possible to hold a sharing session, which coincided with this wave of #Wuhan pneumonia epidemic. If you have any questions, please leave a message and leave a question. If you can answer in text, please answer; if you can't answer, just wait for the pneumonia epidemic to slow down and then hold a public sharing session to ask questions.
Come back together when the pneumonia epidemic in Wuhan subsides and when there are enough converging issues to hold a sharing session for everyone to share.
繼 A+A space 共創共享空間 於2020年2月1日至3月15前在重新裝修,無法辦分享會,不巧又碰上這波 #武漢肺炎 疫情,公開分享會也暫時不宜舉辦,想在沒人知道這波疫情什麼時後會消退的這段時間,反而是宅在家自我進修訓練的最好時機,也許宅工作就是之後的主流工作方式之一也不一定。想想後就把《 SculptJanuary》的109部雕塑縮時影片都先放在 #Sculpt109 部落格上給大夥參考先,大夥看了有問題要問,就請留言留下問題,能用文字回答的就回答,回答不了的,就待武肺炎疫情減緩後,再彙整問題舉辦公開分享會讓大夥親自來問個夠。
How to quickly navigate through the 109 sculptures in this category:
The hardware and software used in the Sculpt109 are as follows:
The 2017-2020 Sculptjanuary's hardware and software are all the same, except for just the basic built-in Addon, which this time really felt necessary to add three Sculpt,paste-related Addons (listed below).
How to quickly navigate through the 109 sculptures in this category:
- It is more convenient to use the category tags to find relevant sculpting topics, such as: Where does Lattice use Array? Why is Array used in sculpture, and what are the sculptures that use Skin? Each sculpture is generally used in Add Modifier / Subdivision Surface, Multiresolution, Mirror, so it is not labeled in the label category.
- 利用分類標籤來找到相關的雕塑題目是比較方便的,如:Lattice使用再什麼地方?為什麼雕塑會用到Array?使用Skin進行雕塑有哪些?......。每個雕塑大致上都會用到 Add Modifier / 下的Subdivision Surface, Multiresolution, Mirror, 故不標註在標籤分類中。
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The classification of sculptural methods can be easily found by labeling 藉由標籤可以容易的找到雕塑方式的分類 |
- Leave a message: At the bottom of each video, you can leave a message or ask a question, and I will receive any message you leave via email.
- 留言:每段縮時影片的最下方,都能留言或發問,所留下的訊息我都能透過Mail收到。
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Accumulate the questions first so that you can leave the answers for others who have the same questions, or make it one of the event topics for the A+A Space sharing session. 把問題累積下來先,好把答案留給有同樣問題的人看,或讓它成為A+A Space分享會的活動題目之一。 |
The hardware and software used in the Sculpt109 are as follows:
The 2017-2020 Sculptjanuary's hardware and software are all the same, except for just the basic built-in Addon, which this time really felt necessary to add three Sculpt,paste-related Addons (listed below).2017-2020 《Sculptjanuary 》的軟硬體配備都一樣,除了只用基本內建的Addon之外,這次真覺得有必要,就添了三個與Sculpt,貼圖有關的Addon(列在下方);
- CPU:Intel Core i7-4770k
- RAM:32GB
- Hard drive:250GB SSD/2TB SATA
- Graphics card:Ndivia GeForce GTX-660
- Tablet:Wacom intuos3
- Blender:2.82/2.83
- Addon:
blender paint layers
vtools library - OBS Studio
Sculptjanuary 2017-2020 youtube link for a total of 109 shortened videos:
Sculptjanuary 2017-2020 共109部縮時影片的 youtube 連結網址:
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Blender SculptJanuary2020 - blender 2.8/2.83 |
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Blender SculptJanuary2019 |
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Blender SculptJanuary2018 |
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Blender SculptJanuary2017 |